Please link to your favorite questions and answers which were either asked or answered from April 1st 2017 through June 30 2017 (They don't have to be your questions and answers, but it also doesn't matter if you want to self promote your own stuff.).
Your answers will be compiled into a blog post like previous quarterly posts.
I will be using DavRob60's queries for a baseline, but I really appreciate people voicing the ones they really enjoyed. Maybe you feel like you answered one really well, even if it didn't receive a lot of votes. Let me know about it.
- Questions with most Votes created within 3 month range
- Questions with most View created within 3 month range
- Questions with best answer created within 3 month range
I will also be linking all blog posts that happened within this quarter.
Also if there was a meta post you feel should be spotlighted those are also acceptable.
People sometimes down-vote the answers, even going as far as to target specific people and vote them into the negative. Just so you know, that is a pointless practice. All answers are included regardless of vote count (unless I decide not to include one for some reason). Also the vote score does not determine the order in which things will appear in the post, I tend to arbitrarily do that when I write it up.