This one is quite the edge case. Prompted by this hot SE network question Did Calvin ever realise that Hobbes was not real? Is it on topic for SFF?
- He's a Sunday paper comic
- It's not a fantasy setting, it's a little boy pretending
- There's no direct sci-fi
- Maybe a better fit for Literature.SE?
- Spaceman Spiff ('nuff said)
- We deal with other literary fictional works that are sci-fi/fantasy -ish (i.e. 1984)
- Hobbes, one of the central characters of the series, is really a stuffed toy. Or is he a friendly tiger? Hmm...
- There's benefit to SFF in discussing where the fantasy portion of Hobbes ends and Calvin begins.
I'm inclined to let it stay but it could be argued that it needs to go. What say you all?