I understand that voting is anonymous, and that downvoters (or upvoters for that matter) don't have to explain anything to anybody; and that is as it should be. But, is there anything wrong with posting a comment asking about the reason for a downvote? (Which may be answered by the downvoter himself if he chooses to do so, or by anyone else who cares to point out defects in the post which may have provoked downvotes.)
I ask because of something that happened to me a year ago. The answer I posted to this question received 14 upvotes and 2 downvotes. I posted a comment inquiring about the downvotes, and within minutes my comment was deleted by a moderator. Curious, I reposted the comment to see what would happen, and the same thing happened again.
Was that the action of a rogue moderator, or is it site policy? The latter seems unlikely, because I've seen lots of similar comments which were not deleted.