It is a frequent occurrence on this site that:
- Someone will ask a question.
- The question will get a downvote.
- The OP (or someone) else will post a comment saying "Why the downvote".
- Over time the question will accumulate lots of upvotes.
- Later visitors to the question (especially new users with under 1000 rep) will just see a score of over 20 with comments complaining about downvotes, and get confused.
In these situations, should I flag these comments as obsolete? Is there a different flag that would be better?
I've tried flagging a couple of these (mostly with custom flags explaining why), and about half of them got declined.
An example of one that got declined is Did Vader ever face another Force user in aerial/space combat, aside from Luke in Ep. IV?. The question has 41 upvotes, 2 downvotes, and a comment posted half an hour after the question was originally asked, saying:
Why the downvote? I don't see anything wrong with this question. You have my +1.
I flagged using a custom flag of
Obsolete, as question has since received many upvotes.
which was declined. Did I use the wrong flag? Is this the type of comment that we like to preserve for eternity? (Possibly to show that every popular question starts with a singular downvote.)
What flag if any should be used for "Why the downvote" comments on questions that subsequently got many upvotes?
Note: The above question also applies to answers, but that seems to me to be less common than questions.