The question Is Ramona Flowers from Scott Pilgrim vs the World is a symbol? was recently closed with the reason of unclear what you're asking
The question is unclear, so the final close reason makes sense, but John O stated that he voted to closed it for a different reason.
This question appears to be off-topic because it is about an unsupported genre.
Further citing:
Comic books aren't a genre, they're a medium. Some comic books are westerns, or 1930s noire. Those aren't supported genres. Furthermore, from what I can gather on Wikipedia, these fantasies only exist inside his daydreaming head. That or it's a farce. Neither of these are supported.
The definition of exactly what is on-topic has changed slightly in the past, but looking through the questions tagged scope and close-reasons, a fairly rough general rule has been that if it includes elements of science fiction or fantasy, it's on-topic. This was discussed a little further when the movies Twins and Junior were brought up.
The question of whether or not the entire story was all in a characters mind is not an uncommon idea in sci-fi/fantasy. Does the fact that the story, or the sci-fi/fantasy elements may simply be a dream invalidate those sci-fi/fantasy elements?