Let me offer some wisdom from a previous and similar question I answeredanswered.
The content of the material is not important - the content of your question determines whether it is on-topic...
And the question posted does not have to do with Science-Fiction or Fantasy. Regardless of Remy's status as a supernaturally intelligent rodent.
To be perfectly clear here, I am saying that a question about how they got that intelligence in the first place would be 100% on-topic, because that is a Fantasy/SciFi element of the movie. It would be on-topic...though I can't guarantee that SciFi.SE would be well-equipped to answer it, since it is plot-related material and comes from a source that isn't very strongly Sci-Fi Or Fantasy.
But asking a question about a work that has Sci-Fi or Fantasy elements, and justifying it as being Sci-Fi or Fantasy, does not fly.