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I just don't quite understand why we consider a question about minimum viewing/reading guides as being off topic. Consider the following:

Point 1

In our Tour we say that one of the categories that is acceptable is 'Franchise/series reading or viewing order'. Now, granted, that is a difference between a minimum reading/viewing guide, but not too different I don't think. The reason often given in questions of this nature is that there is 'no definitive answer', which I think can be also applied to questions about reading/viewing order.

Point 2

One could consider a question about minimum viewing guides as being a semi-reading/viewing order question when you think about it. Both are asking for a certain order (in a sense), and more often than not I would expect the 'minimum viewing/reading' questions would be for people to get a taste of the storylines.

Point 3

This questions about minimum viewing order of TNGThis questions about minimum viewing order of TNG, despite being closed, has received 8 up-votes (at this point in time). Now I know that's not many when put into perspective of some of the other questions on the site, but still 8 is a fairly respectable number; 8 people thought this worthy enough to be up-voted.

Should we therefore reconsider closing these sort of questions, as where else are other people to ask them?

I just don't quite understand why we consider a question about minimum viewing/reading guides as being off topic. Consider the following:

Point 1

In our Tour we say that one of the categories that is acceptable is 'Franchise/series reading or viewing order'. Now, granted, that is a difference between a minimum reading/viewing guide, but not too different I don't think. The reason often given in questions of this nature is that there is 'no definitive answer', which I think can be also applied to questions about reading/viewing order.

Point 2

One could consider a question about minimum viewing guides as being a semi-reading/viewing order question when you think about it. Both are asking for a certain order (in a sense), and more often than not I would expect the 'minimum viewing/reading' questions would be for people to get a taste of the storylines.

Point 3

This questions about minimum viewing order of TNG, despite being closed, has received 8 up-votes (at this point in time). Now I know that's not many when put into perspective of some of the other questions on the site, but still 8 is a fairly respectable number; 8 people thought this worthy enough to be up-voted.

Should we therefore reconsider closing these sort of questions, as where else are other people to ask them?

I just don't quite understand why we consider a question about minimum viewing/reading guides as being off topic. Consider the following:

Point 1

In our Tour we say that one of the categories that is acceptable is 'Franchise/series reading or viewing order'. Now, granted, that is a difference between a minimum reading/viewing guide, but not too different I don't think. The reason often given in questions of this nature is that there is 'no definitive answer', which I think can be also applied to questions about reading/viewing order.

Point 2

One could consider a question about minimum viewing guides as being a semi-reading/viewing order question when you think about it. Both are asking for a certain order (in a sense), and more often than not I would expect the 'minimum viewing/reading' questions would be for people to get a taste of the storylines.

Point 3

This questions about minimum viewing order of TNG, despite being closed, has received 8 up-votes (at this point in time). Now I know that's not many when put into perspective of some of the other questions on the site, but still 8 is a fairly respectable number; 8 people thought this worthy enough to be up-voted.

Should we therefore reconsider closing these sort of questions, as where else are other people to ask them?

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Why are minimum viewing guides considered off-topic?

I just don't quite understand why we consider a question about minimum viewing/reading guides as being off topic. Consider the following:

Point 1

In our Tour we say that one of the categories that is acceptable is 'Franchise/series reading or viewing order'. Now, granted, that is a difference between a minimum reading/viewing guide, but not too different I don't think. The reason often given in questions of this nature is that there is 'no definitive answer', which I think can be also applied to questions about reading/viewing order.

Point 2

One could consider a question about minimum viewing guides as being a semi-reading/viewing order question when you think about it. Both are asking for a certain order (in a sense), and more often than not I would expect the 'minimum viewing/reading' questions would be for people to get a taste of the storylines.

Point 3

This questions about minimum viewing order of TNG, despite being closed, has received 8 up-votes (at this point in time). Now I know that's not many when put into perspective of some of the other questions on the site, but still 8 is a fairly respectable number; 8 people thought this worthy enough to be up-voted.

Should we therefore reconsider closing these sort of questions, as where else are other people to ask them?